Academic Calendar


The MA leading to the Diploma of Postgraduate Studies spans four (4) semesters, encompassing the time for the preparation and assessment of the MA thesis.

Postgraduate students have the option to request a one-time suspension of studies, not exceeding two (2) consecutive semesters, upon application. During the suspension period, the graduate student loses student status, but this time is not counted towards the maximum period of regular study. The suspension can be sought for reasons of health, force majeure, or military service following the expiration of deferment, supported by the necessary documents.

There is no provision for part-time study.

Each semester course lasts for thirteen (13) weeks. The start and end dates of courses, along with the duration of examination periods, are determined by the academic calendar or the decision of the School’s Assembly and are communicated through the MA website.

The M.D.E. (MA thesis defense) takes place exclusively between June 15 and 30 at the premises of the relevant Divisions. However, extensions may be requested in exceptional cases. The exact date and location will be communicated to the candidate and the School’s Secretariat at least five (5) days before the public oral presentation. The presentation should not exceed half an hour, and the discussion between the Committee members and the candidate should not last more than 45 minutes. The procedure is moderated by the most senior committee member, excluding the supervisor. Failure to attend the final examination will result in the student’s withdrawal from the MA programme.


MA Thesis Presentation:

If a student fails the June examination, they have the option to resubmit their thesis for a second evaluation, considering the pertinent feedback from the Tripartite Examination Committee. The resubmission should take place by the 15th of the following September, with the support procedure to be repeated by the 30th of September.

In cases where an extension has been granted and the student is unsuccessful in the initial examination, they may re-submit their work for a second assessment. The resubmission, considering the relevant feedback from the Tripartite Examination Committee, should occur by the 30th of November, with the support procedure set to resume by the 15th of December.