ΜΑ in Historical Research

School of History and Archaeology AUTh


The School of History and Archaeology within the Faculty of Philosophy is responsible for organizing and implementing the MA in History, titled “MA in Historical Research”.

The MA in Historical Research focuses on the discipline of History, encompassing three specializations: a) Ancient Greek and Roman History, b) Byzantine and Medieval History, and c) Modern and Contemporary History.

The primary objectives of the MA in Historical Research are as follows: (a) providing students with professional research training in specific subjects within the field of History, (b) acquainting them with innovative theoretical approaches and modern tools employed in historical research, and (c) instructing them in the method of an interdisciplinary approach to historical problems.



The selection process of candidates, as decided by the School’s Assembly, is overseen by the Coordinating Committee of the MA.

The Committee compiles a comprehensive list of all candidates and, following a thorough review, excludes those who do not meet the minimum formal criteria established by the School. Subsequently, it invites qualified candidates who have fulfilled the prerequisites to participate in a written examination and/or an interview and oral examination, depending on the specialization. In the case of an oral examination, an individual record sheet is maintained to document the candidate’s performance.

Upon completion of the process, the final list of successful candidates is generated. In the event of a tie or a difference of less than or equal to half a point (0.5) from the score of the last successful candidate, it is possible to exceed the number of successful candidates per specialization, provided that the total admissions to the programme do not surpass the maximum number specified in the founding act of the MA (30). The announcement of results complies with the provisions on the protection of personal data.

Within two (2) working days of the provisional results’ announcement, candidates retain the right to file an appeal against the list of successful candidates. The Steering Committee will review the appeal and communicate its decision within two (2) working days at the latest.

The final list of successful candidates and any runners-up, confirmed by the Assembly of the School, is posted on the Secretariat’s Notice Board and on the MA’s website. Failure to register within the specified deadline is considered a refusal to accept the position, and it is then filled by the next successful candidate.

Graduates of the MSc are eligible  to research centres and institutes in Greece and abroad. They can also continue their studies by writing a doctoral thesis. Several graduates of the MSc in Historical Research have already been accepted – some of them with scholarships – in major educational institutions in the USA, Europe and Greece in order to pursue their doctoral thesis.

The MA leading to the Diploma of Postgraduate Studies spans four (4) semesters, encompassing the time for the preparation and assessment of the MA thesis.

Postgraduate students have the option to request a one-time suspension of studies, not exceeding two (2) consecutive semesters, upon application. During the suspension period, the graduate student loses student status, but this time is not counted towards the maximum period of regular study. The suspension can be sought for reasons of health, force majeure, or military service following the expiration of deferment, supported by the necessary documents.

There is no provision for part-time study.

Each semester course lasts for thirteen (13) weeks. The start and end dates of courses, along with the duration of examination periods, are determined by the academic calendar or the decision of the School’s Assembly and are communicated through the MA website.

The M.D.E. (MA thesis defense) takes place exclusively between June 15 and 30 at the premises of the relevant Divisions. However, extensions may be requested in exceptional cases. The exact date and location will be communicated to the candidate and the School’s Secretariat at least five (5) days before the public oral presentation. The presentation should not exceed half an hour, and the discussion between the Committee members and the candidate should not last more than 45 minutes. The procedure is moderated by the most senior committee member, excluding the supervisor. Failure to attend the final examination will result in the student’s withdrawal from the MA programme.

There are no tuition fees for the MA.

The MA, subject to the availability of resources, offers scholarships or awards for excellence to postgraduate students. This is determined by a decision of the School’s Assembly, considering academic criteria, including the order of admission, and aligning with the allocation of resources within the regulatory framework. The conditions for granting, obligations, and rights of scholarship recipients are specified in a decision made by the School Assembly. Additionally, if resources are available, the MA may cover travel and accommodation costs for students on research trips or the printing costs of their dissertations.